In court, disputes are resolved legally, but often not practically. Mediation is quite different: the parties themselves find a legally binding solution that meets their interests with the help of a mediator.
Mediation can always be used when a confidential, time- and energy-saving negotiation is desired. As an alternative to litigation in court, it is particularly suitable within long-term business relationships when facts are complex and legally insufficiently ascertainable and evidence is difficult to obtain. The mediator mediates, leads the negotiation and promotes communication between the parties. As a way of out-of-court settlements of disputes, mediation is gaining increasing importance in business life.
In addition to the legal knowledge that is often indispensable in mediation proceedings, we have a sound methodological knowledge that enables us to apply the recognized procedural techniques as a mediator in a targeted manner or to accompany you as a legal representative in a mediation procedure in an appropriate manner.
Your contact persons
Stefanie Lettau